Towards which Representation?


  • Roberto de Rubertis Sapienza University of Rome,



It was important for the first Focus of the 2017 UID
Convention in Naples to be centered on the theme of
the identity of drawing in terms of temporal evolution.
It is the first reflection that we participants are called
to face and that we “must” know how to deal with. The
first question we ask ourselves, coherently with what is
requested of us, is, in fact, how we stand today in the
context of an evolution that has important repercussions
even on teaching –if there has actually been an evolution–
and how we relate to its undeniable metamorphoses
or, more properly, “mutations” as Darwin would call


Clerc, A. (1885). Fisica popolare. Milano: E. Sonzogno.

Dawkins, R. (1988). L’orologiaio cieco. Milano: Rizzoli.

Gould, S.J., Vrba, E.S. (2008). Exaptation. Il bricolage dell’evoluzione. Pievani,

T. (eds.). Torino: Bollati Boringhieri.

Hauser, A. (1955-1956). Storia sociale dell’arte. Vol. 1. Torino: Einaudi.

Inglese, C., Pizzo, A. (2014). I tracciati di cantiere di epoca romana. Progetti,

esecuzioni e montaggi. Roma: Gangemi.

Schrödinger, E. (1963). L’immagine del mondo. Torino: P. Boringhieri.

Warburg, A. (1988). Mnemosyne-Bilderatlas. Zur Ausstellung im Kunsthaus

Hamburg. Hamburg: Dolling und Galitz Verlag.



How to Cite

R. de Rubertis, “Towards which Representation?”, diségno, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. pp. 23–32, Jun. 2018.



Territories and Frontiers of Drawing