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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • I/We declare that the contents of the paper have not been previously published in other publishing contexts.
  • I/We declare to be the sole author(s) and the owner(s) of the paper. The images included in the text are royalty-free, or I/We have obtained permission for the publication.
  • I/We grant the exclusive use of all rights of economic exploitation free of charge, without any space limitation and within the maximum time limits recognised by current legislation (currently 20 years) and with all methods and technologies currently existing and/or to be developed in the future. It is therefore understood to include, inter alia, reproduction in any manner or form, communication -including, by way of example, but not limited to, rights of exploitation through interactive digital channels (by any means currently known or in the future developed - distribution, adaptation and reworking of which the article is susceptible.
  • I/We exclusively give up the right to translate, reproduce, distribute, communicate the paper in any language, in any way and form, the rights of advertising exploitation, the right to assign these rights to third parties, in whole or in part, for any reason, etc., without limitation of space and within the maximum time limits of protection recognised by the legislation in force and with all modalities and technologies currently known and/or in the future developed.
  • I/We likewise waive/renounce all copyright payments in connection with the inclusion of the paper in the afore-mentioned journal, and I/We undertake not to reproduce the paper in other volumes or journals nor to make it available online in digital format on public or private networks (whether free of charge or for a fee), except with the written authorisation of the journal's editorial direction.

Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines

1. General Information

The diségno Journal is edited by UID - Unione Italiana per il Disegno.

The edition languages are the author’s native language (limited to Italian, French, Portuguese, Spanish) and English.

Publication proposals related to the calls of the journal must be sent in form of abstracts and will be evaluated by the Editorial Director, the Editorial Board - coordination and the issue Editors, to verify: the compliance with the lines of research and Author Guidelines, the adequacy of critical analysis and references, the bibliographic citations fullness, the appropriate and deep sources examination, the images correctness.

If the abstract will be accepted for publication, the author will be asked the full paper that will be evaluated by two anonymous reviewers (double-blind peer review).

A submission proposal implies that the work is original and unpublished.

In addition, the authors guarantee that articles and images to be published are not subject to copyright. Pay attention must be taken in acknowledge sources and any work by other authors. Each citation must be verified by the author.

The editorial staff reserves the right to make any changes necessary to adapt the text to Author Guidelines, agreeing with the author those of greater importance.

2. How to Submit Proposal

Publication proposal should be submitted through the journal’s OJS platform (, via the “make a proposal link.

2.1. Abstract Proposal

Through the link you will access the section of the OJS platform that allows you to upload all the information and files related to the abstract proposal, compiling in the sections in the following order.

  1. Start
  2. Upload the proposal file
  3. Metadata insert
  4. Confirm

The abstract evaluation outcome will be:

  • Proposal Acceptance and Invitation to Submit the Full Paper: if the proposal is considered in line with the call the abstract is accepted, and the author is asked to send the full paper that will be subject to further review.
  • Non-Acceptance of the Proposal: if the proposal is not considered in line with the call, the abstract is rejected.

The editorial decision will be notified to the author by e-mail, through the Journal OJS platform.

Instructions for sending abstract files

The file must be prepared in *.pdf format and must contain, in addition to the title of the proposal, a text of 3000 characters maximum, including spaces, and 2 images maximum. The file must not contain the author’s name or any other information that would allow the author to be identified. The delivery file must be named according to the following syntax: “Surname_abstract”.

2.2. Full Paper Proposal

If the abstract is accepted, the author must submit the full paper within the timeframe indicated. The upload of the full paper must be done by accessing the OJS platform with one’s own credentials, in the same Submission opened for the proposal of the abstract, integrating the proposal of the abstract already sent by uploading new files, in the “Revisions” section. All materials related to the full paper should be sent in the form of a folder named “Surname_full”.

The full paper proposal will be subjected to evaluation by two anonymous reviewers (double-blind peer review).

Instructions for preparing and sending the full paper

The author must upload on the OJS platform of the journal, within a .zip compressed folder:

  • text in *.doc or *.docx format, including abstract, keywords, notes, and references following the indications given in the Author Guidelines. After checking that the text complies with the editorial standards, the author will also be asked to provide a translated version in English. The file should be named following the syntax "Surname_full paper.doc";
  • images in high resolution: 12 maximums, must be numbered, captioned, and accompanied by a reproduction rights release. Images must be submitted in *.jpeg format, with 300 dpi resolution on a print basis (maximum width 17 cm); images with a base of 8 cm (single column) and 17 cm (page width) are accepted; maximum height 16.5 cm. The maximum image size is therefore 17 x 16.5 cm. Images should be named in sequential order according to the syntax "Surname_fig01.jpg";
  • any tables in .doc or .xls format, named in progressive order according to the syntax “Surname_tab01.doc” provided in author’s native language or English;
  • a blind version freely formatted .doc file containing: title, abstract, text, images and captions in the chosen language (author’s native language or English); bibliography. The names of the authors, their institution, or any other reference that could make him/them recognizable must NOT appear in this file. The file should be named following the syntax "Surname_full paper_blind.doc".

Required elements in the text in *.doc or *.docx format (specifically indicated in the template provided by the editors):

  1. Title in native language of the author: 120 characters maximum, including spaces (however no more than 2 lines in the layout). The author’s native language is admitted only in Italian, French, Portuguese and Spanish; no other language will be taken into account.
  2. Name and Surname of the author or authors.
  3. Institution, Organization or Foundation to which you take part and e-mail of every author. If the contribution passes the evaluation, this information is published. By submitting a proposal, authors implicitly accept the publication of this information. For no reason whatsoever is the telephone number provided published, which can only be used for direct contact between the author and the editorial staff.
  4. Abstract: 1500 characters, including spaces.
  5. Keywords: 5 maximum.
  6. Text: must be between 20,000 and 25,000 characters (including: spaces and note, if any. Excluded: authors’ names, e-mails, institutions, abstract, keywords, tables, captions, bibliographical references, sitography and archival sources); for the drafting of the text, see the Author Guidelines and the template.
  7. Bibliographical references and/or web sources, in alphabetical order. For the compilation of references see the Author Guidelines.
  8. List of archival or documentary sources, if any.
  9. Numbered tables, if any, accompanied by title, source, and caption.
  10. Captions must be numbered in progressive order; they must be brief, 140 characters maximum, including spaces (in any case no longer than 2 lines in the page layout), and must include an indication of the image source (author's drawing, author's photograph, or precise bibliographical reference in the form: Author, year, including figure number and/or page number). Figure and/or table captions must be inserted as indicated in the format of the journal layout.


The author will be notified of the outcome of the evaluation of the full paper by e-mail, through the journal’s OJS platform.

At the end of the review, the full paper proposal can be:

  • Accepted: in case of acceptance the author will be asked to follow the recommendations provided by the anonymous reviewers (double blind peer review) and, at the same time, will be asked to translate all materials into English, including texts in any tables and images elaborated by the authors. Upon receipt of the final materials, the proposal will be included in the editorial review process by the editorial staff, which will contact the author for any requests for additions and/or adaptations to the editorial standards of the article, as well as to verify and approve the draft.
  • Non-Accepted: if the full paper receives two negative evaluations from the anonymous reviewers (double-blind peer review).