
Focus and Scope

The journal diségno publishes essays on theoretical topics and advanced research outcomes concerning the scientific-disciplinary area of graphic representation, promoting advanced dialogue in the fields of architecture, engineering, design, landscape, cultural heritage, archaeology, and cultural and creative industries. The journal is also concerned with Drawing, in its broadest sense as a cognitive medium of formal structure, as a tool for the analysis, transmission, enjoyment and dissemination of cultural heritage and existing values, tangible and intangible, with possible interrelationships between the hard sciences and the humanities.


Quality and Transparency of the Editorial Process

The journal diségno accepts submissions of scientific contributions focused on issues of interest to the journal. Authors who wish to propose a contribution and initiate a submission must register in the journal's OJS platform.

Abstract submission
The Editorial Board - coordination and issue Editors review submissions for consistency and suitability in relation to the theme of the journal issue, and accept or reject the abstract. Authors of accepted abstracts are asked to submit the extended contribution to initiate the double blind peer review process.

Double blind peer review process
Extended contributions go through a double blind peer review process and are evaluated by two or more reviewers, with the goal of reaching a collective decision on publication or highlighting appropriate and necessary changes to the contribution. Peer reviewers assess the scientific and thematic coherence of the proposed contribution, interest in the subject matter, and the quality of the article.

Editorial, Cover, Image, Readings/Rereadings, Reviews, Events, The UID Library are not subject to double-blind peer-review but are reviewed by the Editorial Board, as are invited essays, for which the editorial pdf explicitly states “This article was written upon invitation to frame the topic, not submitted to anonymous review, published under the editorial director’s responsibility.”


Publication Frequency

The journal is published twice a year, in June and December.


Section policies

All sections are open and peer-reviewed, with the exception of the Editorial, Image, Cover, Readings/Rereadings, Reviews, Events and The UID Library sections.


Open Access Policy

The journal diségno provides open and immediate access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public fosters greater global exchange of knowledge.

The journal allows readers to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of its articles and allows readers to use them for any other legal purpose.


Content Licensing

The journal diségno is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial Licence 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND)


Copyright and Permissions

The journal allows the author(s) to hold the copyright without restrictions.


Privacy Policy

Personal data on the server of the journal diségno are uploaded by the user when subscribing to the journal system. Personal data are private and are not transferred to third parties. No personal data are processed.

The only personal data required to register for the system are: first name, last name, email. Users' personal data are kept on the server until the journal runs. At any time the user can update/change his/her personal data. The user can request deletion of their personal data at any time. The frequency with which to receive emails from the platform of the journal diségno is not pre-selected.

Authors of accepted papers consent to the publication of content according to the “Open Access Policy”.


Article and Submissions Processing Charges

The journal diségno does not charge authors for submitting, carrying out the editorial process and publishing articles.