Una ciudad con sentido. La Imagen de la Ciudad de Kevin Lynch


  • Carlos Montes Serrano Department of Urbanism and Architectural Representation, University of Valladolid (ES)




A comienzos de los años sesenta se editaron tres de los libros más influyentes dedicados al análisis y al diseño de la ciudad: The Image of the City de Kevin Lynch [Lynch 1960], Townscape de Gordon Cullen [Cullen 1961], y The Death and Life of Great American Cities de Jane Jacobs [Jacobs 1961]. Los tres libros contenían una crítica al planeamiento urbano llevado a cabo tras la segunda guerra mundial, proponiendo una nueva manera de entender la ciudad y de intervenir en ella [1]. (sigue leyendo)

Riferimenti bibliografici

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Ceccarelli, P. (2006). Quarantenni ancora molto attraenti e in ottima salute. In P. Ceccarelli (a cura di). Kevin Lynch. L’Immagine della città, pp. 7-16. Venezia: Marsilio Editori.

Cullen, G. (1949). Townscape Casebook. In The Architectural Review (AR), Vol. 106, No. 636, pp. 363-374.

Cullen, G. (1961). Townscape. London: The Architectural Press.

De las Rivas, J.L. (1992). El espacio como lugar: sobre la naturaleza de la forma urbana. Valladolid: Secretariado de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Valladolid.

De Wolfe, I. (1949). Townscape. In The Architectural Review (AR), Vol. 106, No. 636, pp. 355-362.

De Wolfe, I. (1963). The Italian Townscape. London: The Architectural Press.

Gibberd, F. (1953). Town Design. New York: Reinhold.

Kepes, G. (1944). Language of Vision. Chicago: P. Theobald.

Jacobs, J. (1961). The Death and Life of Great American Cities. New York: Random House.

Laurence, P.L. (2006). The Death and Life of Urban Design: Jane Jacobs, The Rockefeller Foundation and the New Research in Urbanism. In Journal of Urban Design, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 145-171.

Lukashok, A.K., Lynch, K. (1956). Some Childhoods Memories of the City. In Journal of the American Institute of Planners, 22, No. 3, pp. 142-152. DOI: 10.1080/01944365608979354.

Lynch, K. (1951). A Study on the Visual Forms of Cities. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Libraries Archives. April.

Lynch, K. (1953a). Research in City Form. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Libraries Archives. August.

Lynch, K. (1953b). Research Proposal. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Libraries Archives.

Lynch, K. (1959a). A walk around the block. In Landscape, 8, No. 3, pp. 24-33.

Lynch, K. (1959b). Summary of Accomplishments: Research Project on the Perceptual Form of the City. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Libraries Archives.

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Lynch, K. (1962). Site Planning. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.

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Lynch, K. (1976). Managing the Sense of a Region. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.

Lynch, K. (1981). A Theory of a Good City Form. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.

Lynch, K. (1984). Reconsidering The Image of the City. In L. Rodwin, R. Hollister (eds.). Cities of the Mind: Images & Themes of the City in the Social Sciences, pp. 151-161. New York: Plenum Press.

Lynch, K. (1990). City Sense and City Design: Writing and Projects of Kevin Lynch. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.

Lynch, K. (2015). La imagen de la ciudad. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili.

MIT Institute Archives and Special Collections (2009). Preliminary Inventory to the Papers of Kevin Lynch MC.0280. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Libraries.

Moholy-Nagy, L. (1947). Vision in Motion. Chicago: P. Theobald.

Mumford, L. (1938). The Culture of Cities. New York: Harcourt Brace.

Panofsky, E. (1955). Meaning in the Visual Arts. Garden City. NY: Doubleday Anchor Books.

Raynsford, A. (2011). Civic Art in an Age of Cultural Relativism: The Aesthetic Origins of Kevin Lynch’s Image of the City. In Journal of Urban Design, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 43-65.

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Come citare

C. Montes Serrano, «Una ciudad con sentido. La Imagen de la Ciudad de Kevin Lynch», diségno, vol. 1, n. 5, pagg. 209–216, dic. 2019.

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