About the Journal

The journal diségno publishes essays on theoretical topics and advanced research outcomes concerning the scientific-disciplinary area of graphic representation, promoting advanced dialogue in the fields of architecture, engineering, design, landscape, cultural heritage, archaeology, and cultural and creative industries. The journal also deals with Drawing in the broadest sense as a cognitive medium of formal structure, as a tool for the analysis, transmission, fruition and dissemination of cultural heritage and existing values, tangible and intangible, with possible interrelationships between the hard sciences and the humanities.

Each issue also features the columns:

  • “Editorial” written by the Editorial Director of the journal;
  • “Cover,” an introductory essay on the issue's theme drafted by the issue's editor(s);
  • “Image,” a drawing evoking the issue's theme, accompanied by a commentary beve essay written by a scholar belonging to the cultural area of the journal;
  • “Readings/Rereadings,” a critical review of a book that has been relevant to the theme of the issue or is particularly relevant to the history of the cultural area of the journal;
  • “Reviews,” critical reviews of recently published monographs and edited works by scholars belonging to the cultural area of the journal;
  •  “Events,” critical reviews of national and international conferences/seminars/workshops held or sponsored by UID;
  • “The UID Library,” a showcase of scholarly publishing reports.

Each issue is the result of an open call that is published about eight months before its release: the first issue of the year, coming out in June, is the result of a call published in the previous October; the second issue of the year, coming out in December, is the result of a call published in the previous March.

The first issue of the year concerns a specific but sufficiently broad topic, deduced from the areas of the declaratory of SSD ICAR/17 - Drawing, now SSD CEAR-10/A belonging to GSD 08/CEAR-10 - Drawing, declined according to the principles of topicality, innovation and multidisciplinarity.

The second issue of the year is mainly devoted to a reflection on the issues of Drawing referring particularly to a specific discipline of Area 08, especially in light of the issues raised by the Reform of Knowledge.

In order to ensure a plurality of viewpoints capable of fueling scholarly debate, each issue is edited by one or more scholars identified among researchers from Italy, abroad and other SSDs.

The editor(s), as already mentioned, is entrusted with the opening essay (cover). Each topic proposed by the journal is divided into focus/topics designed to better articulate the theme and accommodate the different voices and viewpoints of the authors. Each focus/topic is generally opened by an invited contribution written by a scholar or protagonist of that specific topic.

The journal does not charge authors for submitting, carrying out the editorial process and publishing articles.