Connecting. Notes and Exercises for a Theory of the Practice of Disegno of the Visual Form


  • Francesco Cervellini School of Architecture and Design “Eduardo Vittoria”, University of Camerino



First, I would like to express my contentment that the theme chosen for the conference consists of a verb related to the action of Disegno. For me, Disegno, in any of its forms, is an action, a practice consubstantial with a thought whose end, as an instrument of its expression, is (etymologically) always entirely involved. Indeed, I maintain that any authentic reflection on Disegno cannot overlook considerations specifically reserved for the modes of action; it therefore cannot but help to contribute to building a theory of its practice... (read more)


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How to Cite

F. Cervellini, “Connecting. Notes and Exercises for a Theory of the Practice of Disegno of the Visual Form”, diségno, no. 8, pp. 73–86, Jul. 2021.