A Methodological Approach to Architectural Models as an Integral Part of the Design Process


  • José Antonio Franco Taboada Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de la Universidad de A Coruña, España, jafranco@udc.es




graphic representation, three-dimensionality, models and mockups


From ancient times to the present day, architects and engineers have tried to express their designs in materials that allow them to
transfer the creations from their mind to the tangible world, bringing them to life through models showing a future or hypothetical
constructed reality. There have been more than 5,000 years between the first intuitive representations and the current immersive
virtual reality prototypes, over which time the search for a universal graphic representation model has been a constant and three-dimensionality
has always played an essential role [1].


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How to Cite

J. A. Franco Taboada, “A Methodological Approach to Architectural Models as an Integral Part of the Design Process”, diségno, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. pp. 119–134, Jun. 2018.



Territories and Frontiers of Representation in the Evolution of the Professions