call 3/2018

History / Histories of Representation
Ideas, models, forms, techniques and communication

The link between history and representation has deep roots in our cultural area. Already in 1980, in the framework of the scientific-disciplinary sector, Gaspare De Fiore treated the subject in Lo spirito storico-critico per il mondo del disegno, in Santa Margherita Ligure. Numerous scholars, both in Italy and abroad, are working on the history of representation as a primary scientific topic; essays on this subject have appeared in monographs often published in specific series and in articles. More generally, the connections with the history of the representation have been the topics of lively debates at international conferences and have been taclkled by different points of view, ranging from the history of architecture, of art, of urbanism, of technique, since research and teaching in the field of the history of models, forms and techniques of representation is always an encounter of many fields of knowledge.
The history of representation strengthens the essential role that drawing plays in delineating space images and building models for understanding reality, tracing world maps, rebuilding project intentions, and describing educational programs. The reading of a drawing is both an act of thinking and a tool of knowledge and communication: this twofold nature is present if we consider its ancient and recent history, its perceptual and geometric genesis, its technical and linguistic aspects and its potential for future development, thanks to the most advanced tools.

In this third issue of diségno we want to invite to reflect on the meaning of the history of representation, as it is built on a plurality of points of observation. To consider the interconnected sense of the past, which brings together the fields of art, architecture, science and technique, writing histories that are intertwined with other histories. Contributors can offer reflections and analyzes on the cultural and scientific aspects of representation and on what links the past and the future to become increasingly aware of our roots.

To propose an unpublished article for this number of the journal, please take note of the following deadlines:
November 30, 2017: To send a summary, in Italian or another author’s native language (if Italian, French, English, Portuguese, Spanish, German), and English, of up to 2,000 characters (including spaces) for each version, with keywords (max 5), an image, and main bibliographic references (max 3).
December 31, 2017: notification of acceptance of the summary, after the blind evaluation of two referees who will consider the thematic relevance, the typology and quality of the proposal.
February 28, 2018: to send the full article in the author’s native language (English, French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, German) and in English, 20,000-30,000 characters (including spaces, including up to 5 keywords, abstract, excluding bibliography), 8-10 images (one every 2,000 characters). Only the essays that comply with the rules published on the site will be considered and twice blind reviewed.
April 15, 2018: notification of acceptance of the essay/request for integrations.
May 15, 2018: last date to send any possible additions.