The Perspective. A Matter of Points of View


  • Federico Fallavollita Department of Architecture, University of Bologna,



Ames Room, Descriptive Geometry, Mirror, Perception, Stereotomy


This article presents a study that preceded a lesson for the Department of Architecture of Bologna held to children between eight
and fourteen years of age, , as part of an initiative by the University for the dissemination of science. The study presents some experiences
of perspective and stereotomy. Among the objectives of the research is to explain to children, through playing, the illusory
power of perspective and, therefore, the deceptions to which the human perception of space is subjected. For this purpose a small
Ames room was built, studying its decomposition in parts, in a sort of contemporary stereotomy.
In the first part of the article, the lesson given to the children is briefly presented, as well as some insights on the theoretical issues
addressed, which obviously could not be included in the lesson. In the second part, of the study, design and construction of the Ames
room are described.


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How to Cite

F. Fallavollita, “The Perspective. A Matter of Points of View”, diségno, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. pp. 105–116, Jun. 2018.



Territories and Frontiers of Teaching