The Cercle de l’Ermitage by Alberto Sartoris. Axonometry as a Synthetic Representation of the Project
A chromolithograph by Alberto Sartoris, published in 1936 in The Architectural Review [Morton Shand 1936], depicts an axonometric cutaway of the dance floor and bar of the Cercle de l’Ermitage, designed and realised by the architect in 1935, transforming an old mill into a cultural and social centre for international exhibitions, a private club for artists [1]. Sartoris articulated the interior with a succession of superimposed platforms “in a radically modern way, in order to embody and conceptualize the space into a manifesto of rationalistic architecture, without modifying the outer envelope” [Dunant 2016, p. 78], as requested by the Swiss authorities [2]. [read more]
Archives de la construction moderne – EPFL, Fonds Alberto Sartoris.
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Dunant, J.C. (2016). Restoration of the Cercle de L’Ermitage in Epesses, Switzerland. In Docomomo Journal, No. 54, pp. 78-81.
Frochaux, M. (2018). L’énigme du Cercle de l’Ermitage. In Tracés 2018/18, <> (accessed 10 October 2022).
Gavello, C. (2019). Gli ensembles mobilier di Alberto Sartoris e l’integrazione delle arti (1925-1953). In Studi e Ricerche di Storia dell’Architettura. Rivista dell’Associazione Italiana Storici dell’Architettura, 5, 3, pp. 76-83.
Morton Shand, P.M. (1936). The ‘Cercle de l’Ermitage’ at Epesses, Canton de Vaud, Switzerland. Alberto Sartoris, Architect. In Decoration, No. 14, The Architectural Review Supplement, pp. 181-184.
Reichlin, B. (1979). L’assonometria come progetto. Uno studio su Alberto Sartoris. In Lotus International, No. XXII, pp. 82-93.
Sartoris, A. (1983). L’architecture de la couleur. In Ingénieurs et architectes suisses, 23, November 1983, pp. 436-439.
Sartoris, A. (1990). Tempo dell’architettura-Tempo dell’arte. Cronache dagli anni Venti e Trenta. Roma: Fondazione Adriano Olivetti.
Versari, M.E. (1997). Razionalismo mediterraneo: mito, colore e progetto in Alberto Sartoris. In Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Serie IV, Vol. II, 1, pp. 193-213.
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