Drawing space in the places of myth: Luigi Moretti and Sicily
Luigi Moretti, Messina, Unbuilt architecture, Virtuality, 3D ModelAbstract
How was architecture designed in the 1930s? This is the starting question through which we want to set up a wider reflection on the architecture of that period, taking as reference a Sicilian project by Luigi Moretti: the Casa del Balilla in Messina, dating back to 1936. The initial analysis of the building's drawings is aimed at evaluating the expressive contents of drawing as a disciplinary instrument of architecture. But the fact that Luigi Moretti's first work in Sicily has never been built has also led to the elaboration of a further exegesis, consisting in the construction of a virtual three-dimensional model of the building: a process aimed at verifying the complexity of the forms transcending the unpredictability that pervades the final product of this logical-applicative consecutio of the tools of Science of Representation, digital images. Therefore, the reduction of the three-dimensional object (the model) into a two-dimensional entity (the image) poses both metalinguistic and projective questions: the model acts as a critical instrument that explains the reality imagined by Luigi Moretti, returning – through the heuristic force of images – all those syntactic, spatial, architectural, urban or even territorial tensions that the building would have possibly generated.
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