Mapping (in) the New Time. New Analytical-Synthetic Representations for the New n-City and its Multi-Territories


  • Manuel Gausa Department of Architecture and Design, University of Genoa



Our cities –as translations of our societies themselves– are the most complex dynamic and informational systems that exist: they are space-time (as well as sensorial) systems constantly exchanging information among the elements that comprise them, and between the latter and the surrounding environment, mutating and fluctuating in an evolutionary manner [Gausa 2015; 2016]. (read more)


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How to Cite

M. . Gausa, “Mapping (in) the New Time. New Analytical-Synthetic Representations for the New n-City and its Multi-Territories”, diségno, vol. 1, no. 5, pp. 143–156, Apr. 2020.